Laravel Application with Admin LTE 2 implementation

Hello, Developers…

Many times we try to find out the best plugin for admin panel which we can use with Laravel. But nothing good is available. Even I was trying same but didn’t found any good solution so I decided to use Admin LTE 2 with Laravel and built the base app which we can use for any of our application as a base app and then later we can add our required module in it.

By using this base application you can do the following things:

  • Authentication.
  • Register new user.
  • User profiles.
  • Create different user types and users.
  • Assign roles to the user as per the user type.
  • Assign module permission.
  • Image upload.
  • Create responsive images in the backend for the user interface.

I am adding this application for the new developer so that they can learn Laravel as well as they can reffer the code base for their learning.

New developers have some specific issues at the initial level like:

How to create the new application in Laravel?

How to write effective code in Laravel and etc.

While creating this app I have taken care of all of this things.

If you need this application email me on my personal email. Will send you the download link.


Application Details:

Laravel – V 5.5

Apache –  2.4.27

PHP – 7.0

MySQL – 5.7.19

Here is the Download link.


Dependency injection

Dependency injection is a technique where one object supplies the dependencies of another object. An injection is the passing of a dependency to a dependent object that would use it. Passing the service to the client, rather than allowing a client to build or find the service, is the primitive requirement of the pattern.

This primitive requirement means that using values produced within the class from new or static methods is prohibited. The class should accept values passed in from outside.

The intent behind dependency injection is to decouple objects to the extent that no client code has to be changed simply because an object it depends on needs to be changed to a different one.

Dependency injection is one form of the broader technique of inversion of control. Rather than low level code calling up to high level code, high level code can receive lower level code that it can call down to. This inverts the typical control pattern seen in procedural programming.

Dependency injection supports the dependency inversion principle. The client delegates the responsibility of providing its dependencies to external code (the injector). The client is not allowed to call the injector code. It is the injecting code that constructs the services and calls the client to inject them. This means the client code does not need to know about the injecting code.

There are three common means for a client to accept a dependency injection: setter-, interface and constructor based injection. Setter and constructor injection differ mainly by when they can be used. Interface injection differs in that the dependency is given a chance to control its own injection. All require that separate construction code (the injector) take responsibility for introducing a client and its dependencies to each other.

For example, consider a Car object.

A Car depends on wheels, engine, fuel, battery, etc. to run. Traditionally we define the brand of such dependent objects along with the definition of the Car object.

Without Dependency Injection (DI):

Here, the Car object is responsible for creating the dependent objects.

What if we want to change the type of its dependent object – say Wheel – after the initial IndianWheel() punctures? We need to recreate the Car object with its new dependency say JapaniWheel(), but only the Car manufacturer can do that.

Then what does the Dependency Injection do us for…?

When using dependency injection, objects are given their dependencies at run time rather than compile time (car manufacturing time). So that we can now change the Wheel whenever we want. Here, the dependency (wheel) can be injected into Car at run time.

After using dependency injection:

Here, we are injecting the dependencies (Wheel and Battery) at runtime. Hence the term : Dependency Injection.

Check number is Fibonacci numbers or not

A simple way is to generate Fibonacci numbers until the generated number is greater than or equal to ‘n’. Following is an interesting property about Fibonacci numbers that can also be used to check if a given number is Fibonacci or not.
A number is Fibonacci if and only if one or both of ( 5*n2 + 4 ) or ( 5*n2 – 4 ) is a perfect square (Source: Wiki). Following is a simple program based on this concept.

Output –

—- Correct Fibonacci series —-
0 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34 , 55 , 89 , 144 , 233 , 377 , 610 , 987 , 1597 , 2584 , 4181 , 6765 , 10946 , 17711 , 28657 , 46368 , 75025 , 121393 , 196418 , 317811 , 514229 , 832040 , 1346269 , 2178309 , 3524578 , 5702887 , 9227465 , 14930352 , 24157817 , 39088169 , 63245986 , 102334155 , 165580141 , 267914296 , 433494437 , 701408733 , 1134903170 , 1836311903 , 2971215073 , 4807526976 , 7778742049 , 12586269025 , 20365011074 ,
—- Fibonacci series array with some wrong elements —-

array (size=56) 0 => int 0 1 => int 1 2 => int 1 3 => int 2 4 => int 3 5 => int 4 6 => int 5 7 => int 6 8 => int 8 9 => int 12 10 => int 13 11 => int 16 12 => int 21 13 => int 34 14 => int 55 15 => int 89 16 => int 144 17 => int 233 18 => int 377 19 => int 610 20 => int 987 21 => int 1597 22 => int 2584 23 => int 4181 24 => int 6765 25 => int 10946 26 => int 17711 27 => int 28657

0 – is a Fibonacci Number
1 – is a Fibonacci Number
1 – is a Fibonacci Number
2 – is a Fibonacci Number
3 – is a Fibonacci Number
4 – is a not Fibonacci Number
5 – is a Fibonacci Number
6 – is a not Fibonacci Number
8 – is a Fibonacci Number
12 – is a not Fibonacci Number
13 – is a Fibonacci Number
16 – is a not Fibonacci Number
21 – is a Fibonacci Number
34 – is a Fibonacci Number
55 – is a Fibonacci Number
89 – is a Fibonacci Number
144 – is a Fibonacci Number
233 – is a Fibonacci Number
377 – is a Fibonacci Number
610 – is a Fibonacci Number
987 – is a Fibonacci Number
1597 – is a Fibonacci Number
2584 – is a Fibonacci Number
4181 – is a Fibonacci Number
6765 – is a Fibonacci Number
10946 – is a Fibonacci Number
17711 – is a Fibonacci Number
28657 – is a Fibonacci Number


What does Constructor mean?

A constructor is a special method of a class or structure in OOP that initializes an object of that type. A constructor is an instance method that usually has the same name as the class, and can be used to set the values of the members of an object, either to default or to user-defined values.

Constructors are not called explicitly and are invoked only once during their lifetime. In the case of a hierarchy of classes where a derived class inherits from a parent class, the execution sequence of the constructor is a call to the constructor of the parent class first and then that of the derived class.

Constructors cannot be inherited.

A constructor can be declared using any of the access modifiers. It is mandatory to have a constructor with the right access modifier. However, the compiler supplies a default if an access modifier is not defined in the class. If a constructor is declared as private, the class cannot be created or derived and hence cannot be instantiated. Such a constructor, however, can be overloaded with different sets of parameters. 

Constructor design:

  • When using derived class constructors, the parent class constructor should be passed the correct parameters.
  • Better code maintainability comes from having the initialization and other related logic in one main constructor and cross-calling this constructor from other overloaded constructors.
  • Logic involving specific operations that need to be executed at a particular event in an application – such as opening a database connection – should not be written in a constructor.
  • Because a constructor cannot return a value to the calling code, it is a good practice to throw an exception when a failure is encountered.

Dependency injection in PHP

Dependency Injection is a software design pattern that allows avoiding hard-coding dependencies and makes possible to change the dependencies both at runtime and compile time.

By using Dependency Injection we can write more maintainable, testable, and modular code. All projects have dependencies. The larger the project the more dependencies is it bound to have; now having a great number of dependencies is nothing bad by itself however how those dependencies are managed and maintained is.

Dependency Injection is not a new pattern and it has been commonly used on many languages like Java, but this pattern is somewhat new in the PHP world and it’s gaining traction quickly thanks for frameworks like laravel

Let’s exemplify these concepts by creating a pair of classes first without dependency injection and then rewriting the code to use the dependency injection pattern; since I’m primarily a Magento developer I’ll be really original (wink, wink) and create a Product and a StockItem class.

At first glance the code looks pretty normal and it’s what many PHP developers would call good code, however if we take a closer look at it using the S.O.L.I.D principle we can see that the code actually has many problems:

  • The StockItem is tightly coupled with the Product class, and while this might not look bad on this particular example. Let’s imagine that we made a change to the StockItem class to include a new parameter, we would then have to modify every single class where the StockItem object was created.

  • The Product class knows too much, in this case the stock status and quantity, let’s say that our application can handle inventories from multiple sources and stores but for the same product. With that in mind it would be in our best interest to make the Product class know less about its inventory.

  • We just made our life harder when it comes to unit testing the code. Since we are instantiating the stockItem inside the constructor it would be impossible to unit test the Product class without also testing the StockItem class.

Let’s Inject something!

In the other hand by using dependency injection we can correct most of these problems, let’s take at the same code but using dependency injection:

Constructor Injection

By using dependency injection we have more maintainable code, in the previous example we are using a type of dependency injection normally referred as Constructor Injection. By doing a simple change we can reduce the level of complexity of our code and improve the overall quality; not to mention that now we can easily run unit tests.

Constructor injection is by far the most common method used and there are several advantages by using this particular type of injection:

  • If the dependency is required by the class and cannot work without it, by using constructor injection we guarantee that the required dependencies are present.

  • Since the constructor is only ever called when instantiating our object we can be sure that the dependency can’t be changed or altered during the object lifetime.

These two points make Constructor Injection extremely useful, however there is also a few drawbacks that make it unsuitable for all scenarios:

  • Since all dependencies are required, it’s not suitable when optional dependencies are needed.

  • While using class inheritance trying to extend and override the constructor becomes difficult.

Setter Injection

Another common type of dependency injection is called setter injection and the same code as above would look something like this:

As we can see, with Setter Injection the dependencies are provided to our class after it has been instantiated using setter methods. Setter Injection has a few advantages:

  • Allows for optional dependencies and the class can be created with default values.

  • Adding new dependencies is as easy as adding a new setter method and it won’t break any existing code.

Setter Injection might be more suitable for situations where more flexibility is required.